How coaching can help
Coaching​ is...a relationship which will be established between us which aims to facilitate support and empower you to realise and hopefully reach your full potential. Coaching provides an opportunity to look at ways to enhance your life, - to live a fuller and more fulfilled life. Coaching can cover a multitude of areas of life, I simply provide a safe trusting environment, and the time and space to find the way forward to reaching your goals.
Different tools or methods can be used throughout a coaching session which helps explore aspects of your life or career you wish to change. We will identify things that interfered with progress or have prevented you achieving all you had hoped for, be it results, career or your life in general.
In particular we can explore the attitudes, behaviour,values and beliefs that are holding you back from doing what you want to do.
You're ready for Coaching if you're....
Ready to take responsibility for the changes you need to make in your life
Honest, open and truthful with yourself and with me
Happy to take actions after a coaching session
Willing to change the behaviours or attitudes which are limiting your success

Helping students to identify and understand their strengths assists them in focusing their decisions around subjects and courses​
Student career guidance involves so much more than just looking at hard skills. subject knowledge and completing CAO forms.
Career guidance is ultimately what you need to know about yourself right now to move forward.
I offer personality insights (PPA)in order for students to understand their behavioural strengths, to boost confidence in decision making and focus on working towards their futures.
The assessment provides a unique link between education and the world of work, by identifying working strengths which young people can use to inform their approach to studying, make further education choices and succeed in college and employment.

The typical worker will have 12 different employers in his or her lifetime, and Millennials are certainly no exception. In fact, younger workers are statistically twice as likely to leave their jobs in search of better offers, according to new data from Visier.
Jun 11, 2018
It is in the area of career change or job change that coaching can help and will identify goals and path and the necessary steps to achieve those goals.
Our Personalities and values we hold impact greatly on how fulfilled we are in our work and through Personality Assessments we can identify those which will give you a greater awareness of you and your aspirations.
Interviewing preparation and Mock Interviews can be part of this process be they traditional or competency based,

​You may complain of boredom, frustration, dissatisfaction or simply confused!whether it's a job, the lack of job, life outside work or lack of life outside work - whatever you're feeling you might be stuck!
Coaching gives you the opportunity to analyse yourself and see what's holding you back or why you're feeling the way you do. You will develop greater awareness of your personal skills that you can translate to success. Goals will become defined and a path planned with you that you can take.